sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2012

Have you met Michael Aaron Williams?

Descobri este artista, cuja obra gostava de partilhar contigo. Chama-se Michael Aaron Williams e é um street artist que anda por todo o mundo. Gostava sinceramente de me cruzar um dia com uma obra sua.

"My art is a narrative, visual poetry, making a social statement to move the viewer to action or realization. An important part of my work focuses on the street, the place where people live their daily lives. This allows me to interact with an audience on their own turf and observe how they react to the art; it is a social experiment. These open-air installations focus on the ephemeral state of street people and enable the viewer to participate in the outcome of the pieces, whether the viewer leaves or saves them from the street. My goal in depicting street people is to show their beauty, fragility, and to bring their situation into the eyes of the viewer, refusing to let them be forgotten or ignored."


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